Ordering / Artwork Requirements

Call today to speak with a Sales Manager about your recognition and promotional product needs.

You can Contact Us Online to place an order or Visit our Online Shop.

Request a Product Catalog to be mailed to you.


Artwork may be provided as hard copy, on disk, or via email to our Mac Art Department or PC Art Department. When emailing artwork please reference your salesperson’s name as well the name of the organization in your message.


Production delays can occur when digital artwork is provided in the wrong format. Having to convert files that do not conform to the guidelines below will result in lost time. Please contact us if you have any questions about the suitability of your digital files or any of our format requirements. We strongly recommend that you also mail or fax a hard copy of the artwork and any special instructions. Please indicate your salesperson’s name on the artwork.

Simply because an art file is an EPS or TIFF format does not mean it will be clean and usable. Faxed or scanned art, or artwork that has been reproduced numerous times, will not improve and will not look its best without additional clean-up efforts. Please do not submit web graphics as they are produced in a resolution setting (generally 72 dpi) that is too low for our processes.

We reserve the right to refuse any artwork that will not meet our standards of product quality when reproduced using our equipment and processes.

Preferred Programs

  • PC
    CorelDraw 11.0 or earlier
    CorePhoto Paint
  • Mac
    Adobe PhotoShop 5.0
    Adobe PageMaker 7.0
  • Either PC or Mac
    Adobe Illustrator 10.0 or Adobe Illustrator Creative Suite 11.0.  All text must be converted to outlines.
  • Image resolution
    A minimum of 300 dpi at 100% imprint size for best reproduction
  • Fonts
    Convert all text to outlines or curves. Please be aware that once this is done, the text in your artwork can no longer be edited. If editing is required, you must include the font (TrueType or PostScript) with the file.

We may not have the font used in your original artwork. If not, we will work with you to choose an appropriate substitute.

  • File Information
    Files converted from Mac to PC must have a file extension included in the file name (for example: .eps, .tif)
  • Colors
    When assigning a color to art or text, please use a PMS color. This will work for process or spot colors. PMS color matches on some of our products cannot be guaranteed.

Accepted File Storage Media

If you choose to mail or overnight your artwork to us, please use the following media:

  • PC/MAC formatted Iomega ZIP drives, 100 MB or 250 MB
  • PC/MAC formatted CD ROM
  • USB Drive

Do not send your original file.  Make a COPY!


Following these instructions does not guarantee the art will output. If any of the above is not possible, please send in Camera Ready Art (film or slick), 600 dpi or greater.

Artwork will be billed at $75.00 per hour. Minimum art charge is $25.00

Selected Option

Price Range





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